A New Path

A New Path

Friday, October 15, 2010

The beginnings of my very humble Vege and Herb patch!

Ok, so I don't have that much space to work with (1.5m x 2.5m) but what I do have I want to make the most of! I have planted some basil, coriander and rocket. In the next spot is some coloured spinach, then Lebanese cucumber and yellow capsicum. I also dotted some Marigolds around to deter pests and for some colour. I also noticed this morning some tomato seedlings that planted themselves, so I left a few to grow. In the pots is rosemary, Thai basil, mint, parsley, thyme and a chili plant. These pots have been attacked recently by Indian Myna birds, that have been a real pest around our place lately. Would love to know how to get rid of them - ethically if possible! Anyway will update the progress of my little garden in time....

Some new Marigolds after my last one's mysteriously disappeared out of the ground!

I also potted some yummy Mustard and Cress

Hopefully in a few short weeks this patch will be bursting with green...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Spending Monster Within....

Ok, I feel the need to explain myself.....when I said 'budget conscious' and 'frugal' I didn't mean shopping for 20kg sacks of flour and rice once a year, making all my children's clothes, never using deodorant and cosmetics again. You see I'm an old free 'n easy spender from way back with a very relaxed attitude about it. The truth is I was spending unconsciously, almost driven by some underlying urges beyond my control which I could forever justify. Well, I have now chosen to take a stand, a conscious stand against the feverishly hungry spending monster within. You see nothing would satisfy it for long. Now I know this sounds kind of extreme and well, maybe it is but I find it difficult to explain it any other way. I am now making a choice to become a conscious shopper. I am for the first time, actually recording everything I spend, which I am finding very empowering, I am actually loving the feeling of control it's giving me. I am feeling great about saying 'No' to stuff I know we don't need. I am enjoying feeling happy and satisfied with less, appreciating the things I have and focusing on what really matters to me, my family, their happiness, their health and that of my own.... I'm also starting to realise money isn't all it's cracked up to be. So no, it's not about being the perfect little greeny, although I am all for it, it's about being realistic in terms of me and my journey.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Today is the first day of..........

my new Blog!

I am writing to inspire, mostly myself really. I would like to share, to express and also explore. I am on a constant crusade to improve, grow, learn and discover.

I am a simple girl with a fairly simple life. My 3 children, my husband, a passion for humanistic therapies, for all things natural, for healing, and for learning. That is my life at present, Phew!

This blog will be about my voyage of discovery in the following areas:

* My family
* Employ a more Esoteric lifestyle
* Gradually becoming more conservative (Budget wise or dare I say frugal!)
* More wholesome cooking (Gluten & Dairy Free)
* Sewing
* More vege and herb gardening
* More craft
* Painting my home
* Exercise that aligns naturally with my gentleness
* My study
* And finally, Learning how to 'do this blog' thing!

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